January 31, 2012

Virtual DJ

As someone who studied to be a DJ then, is obligatory for me to give a story about the experience, how to learn and techniques that may be useful for bloggers who want to become a DJ, whether it is bedroom DJ or party DJ is whatever it's called ...
On this page I only give to the DJ techniques and experience using software Virtual DJ, Virtual DJ why ..??? answered at the next post ...

Virtual DJ
Hi ... friend .. How to be a DJ using VirtualDJ? Easy question but difficult to answer and make his dj tutorial. as a dj more practice than teorinya.Tapi no problem friend, I try to write a simple how to be a DJ using software virtual dj? I try to write the first step ..

Okay, I do not know how many virtual dj version you use, use version 4.2, 5.0, 5.1 or 5.2, but it was definitely the same techniques and methods How to be a dj use virtual dj
The first step you must know their duties and how the dj dj's like what, in a simple task that DJ play a song in a medley by using certain techniques in order to change the song nice and smooth, does not make a bored visitor and also bring it to life.
Ok, now I will discuss a general technique to make the transition just how good the songs (mixing)

source : http://djhendryal.blogspot.com/2009/04/tutorial-dj-memakai-virtual-dj.html

To be continue

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